
Install via pip

Scuba is hosted at PyPI, and installation via pip is the perferred method.

To install:

$ sudo pip install scuba

To install with argcomplete (for Bash Completion support):

$ sudo pip install scuba[argcomplete]

To uninstall:

$ sudo pip uninstall scuba

Install from source

Scuba can be built from source on Linux only (due to the fact that scubainit must be compiled):

  1. Run make to build scubainit

  2. Run ./ to run the unit tests

  3. Run sudo python install to install scuba

  4. Run ./ to test the installed version of scuba

If musl-libc is installed, it can be used to reduce the size of scubainit, by overriding the CC environment variable in step 1:

CC=/usr/local/musl/bin/musl-gcc make


Note that installing from source in this manner can lead to an installation with increased startup times for Scbua. See #71 for more details. This can be remedied by forcing a wheel to be installed, as such:

export CC=/usr/local/musl/bin/musl-gcc    # (optional)
sudo pip install wheel
python bdist_wheel
sudo pip install dist/scuba-<version>-py3-none-any.whl